WSLCB - Board Meeting
(November 20, 2024) - Summary
Two petitions were denied, new delays in rulemaking were announced although language for two projects was forthcoming, and the public both praised and condemned the outgoing chair.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(November 8, 2023) - Summary
The board voted to open rulemaking to implement social equity program changes and then heard public remarks related to the grant programs and transparency of the equity process.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(October 11, 2023) - Summary
After a brief rulemaking update, staff detailed a revised process for reviewing petitions before presenting a batch tracking request, then heard supportive and accusatory public remarks.
The Week Ahead
(October 9, 2023)
WSLCB board members were scheduled to consider a comparatively obscured rulemaking petition on “batch tracking” during a busy fall week for cannabis policymaking.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 13, 2023) - Summary
After an update on social equity license applicants, board members heard encouragement, criticism, and questions about the program, among other comments, from the public.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(July 5, 2023) - General Public Comments
Public commenters called for greater accountability over the social equity program third-party vendor, the board’s reasoning in hiring a new director, and an update on CANNRA meetings.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(May 24, 2023) - Summary
Rulemaking to implement alcohol legislation included a cannabis-related bill; public commenters gave input on cannabis traceability and called for more updates about environmental pesticides.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(January 4, 2023) - Summary
The longtime Director of WSLCB planned to step down, CCRS 2.0 was on track to go live, and public comments touched on equity, traceability, transparency, and the cannabis economy.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(December 7, 2022) - Retirements and Public Comments
Staff said goodbye to two retiring division heads and heard several critical public comments before the chair gave a lengthy defense of the agency's continued work on social equity.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(November 9, 2022) - Summary
Agency leaders met the new Director of Legislative Relations then heard reports on their legislative agenda, social equity, medical endorsements, hiring, work groups, and CCRS.