Prevention Voices
WA Legislature - Update
(February 26, 2024)
All three cannabis bills at risk were scheduled for executive sessions before the fiscal committee cutoff on Monday, although two carried potential amendments which could alter their outcomes.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(July 13, 2021) - Summary
The board heard a briefing on a statewide prevention roundtable leading to questions about prevention advocate engagement - and the synthesized cannabinoids investigation continued.
The Week Ahead
(May 31, 2021)
This week would include interesting events covering a broad spectrum of cannabis-related topics including social equity, behavioral health, delta-8-THC, and substance use prevention.
WSLCB - Cannabis Advisory Council
(January 6, 2021) - Public Health and Prevention
The influence of prevention organizations on WSLCB policy was the focus of a presentation from the agency’s public health liaison and remarks from Cannabis Advisory Council members.
WA LIC - Class - Prevention Voices
(January 5, 2021) - Summary
Advocates learned about Washington's legislative process from a Legislative Information Center staffer including specific steps to track and participate virtually in the 2021 session.
WSLCB - Cannabis Advisory Council
(January 6, 2021) - 2021 Legislative Session
Goals for the 2021 Washington state legislative session, which begins Monday January 11th, were articulated by WSLCB agency leadership and Cannabis Advisory Council members.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(January 5, 2021) - Summary
Board members heard legislative and rulemaking updates as well as mentions of agency coordination with social equity and prevention stakeholders - and the U.S. Census Bureau.
The Week Ahead
(January 4, 2021)
The WSLCB Cannabis Advisory Council planned to convene for the first time in over a year, while prevention advocates prepared for the start of the 2021 legislative session.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(December 9, 2020) - Public Health and Prevention
WSLCB’s leading substance use prevention staffer provided their first in-depth update in months, pushing back against temporary policy allowances and raising public health concerns.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(August 5, 2020) - Summary
Approval of a cannabis compact with the Snoqualmie Tribe revealed possible tensions with the neighboring City, two comments were heard on TPI, and a prevention advocate raised concerns.