Washington CannaBusiness Association

WA Legislature - Update
(March 26, 2025)
Legislators heard the omnibus, production unions, and data dashboard bills on Tuesday and planned to hear two more Wednesday in addition to moving legislation that could revise buffer zone measurement.
WA Legislature - Update
(March 20, 2025)
Legislators heard supportive testimony to revise buffer zones while committee schedules for the following week showed nearly all cannabis-related legislation and the operating budget would be considered.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 28, 2025)
The retail signage legislation was advanced but it seemed likely four other cannabis-related bills would not make it through the House of Origin Fiscal Committee Cutoff gateway by the close of business Friday.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 27, 2025)
Cannabis-related legislation had mostly been paused ahead of the House of Origin Fiscal Committee Cutoff on Friday, but the cannabis retailer advertising bill was positioned for movement on Thursday.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 25, 2025)
The cannabis retail advertising bill was heard by a senate fiscal committee with an executive session already lined up, and the home grow bill would be heard by a fiscal committee in the House on Tuesday.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 21, 2025)
The lab certification bill was passed in the House before a mishmash of amendments were published on seven cannabis-related bills up for executive sessions Friday morning in advance of the first cutoff.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 20, 2025)
Two bills were heard and the social equity program evaluation bill was advanced; fiscal committee schedules for the following week remained blank slates; and a SUD treatment bill may be moved.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 19, 2025)
Three bills were heard Tuesday; advertising and lab certification legislation was advanced; and two hearings were scheduled Wednesday in addition to the controversial social equity program evaluation bill.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 18, 2025)
Senators heard testimony on out of state ownership, schedules were shuffled, and bills on cannabis producer cooperatives, social equity buffer zones, and retail advertising were up for Tuesday.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(February 10, 2025) - SB 5206 - Public Hearing
Supporters welcomed expanded signage allowances and clarifications offered in a cannabis advertising bill, but opponents viewed changes as increasing youth perception of normalization.