Washington CannaBusiness Association
Information Set
- No information available at this time
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(November 28, 2018) - MIE Update
Director of Licensing and Regulation Becky Smith and Compliance and Policy Manager Nicola Reid presented WSLCB’s revised second issue brief.
WSLCB - Marijuana Infused Edibles Update
(November 27, 2018)
The edibles story continues w/ WSLCB's draft issue brief, trade association feedback, and an agency pattern of missed deadlines.
WA House COG - Work Session
(November 16, 2018) - Summary
WACA, The Cannabis Alliance, and WSLCB update the House Commerce and Gaming committee on the status of the cannabis industry.
WSLCB - Marijuana Infused Edibles Update
(November 5, 2018)
Cannabis Observer looks more closely at the trade association coalition proposal to the WSLCB detailing updates to MIE regulations (and more).
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(October 30, 2018) - Summary
Here's the marijuana infused edibles (MIE) regulation proposal presented to WSLCB by a coalition of Washington cannabis trade associations.
WSLCB - Marijuana Infused Edibles Update
(October 24, 2018)
Background and research from Cannabis Observer about WSLCB's recently announced re-interpretation of rules regarding marijuana infused edibles (MIEs).