United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Structural Relationships
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(December 2, 2022) - Synthesized Cannabinoid Trends and State Updates
A cannabis regulatory expert spoke to the committee about cannabinoid regulation, including research, media reporting, federal statistics, and legislative efforts outside of Washington state.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(November 8, 2022) - WA Public Health Research
Presentations on public health surveys by researchers from Canada and Oregon gave the board insight into how Washington’s system compared to other legal cannabis jurisdictions.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(October 13, 2021) - Agency Policy Work Group
Staff described the impact the internal Agency Policy Work Group was having on policy and interpretive statements, agency request legislation, and rulemaking at WSLCB.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 1, 2021) - Summary
The board said farewell to the agency public health education liaison and approved revisions to the scoring regime for criminal history background checks on license application and renewal.
WAPC - Webinar - Let's Talk Cannabis
(December 9, 2020) - Summary
An event intended to educate prevention advocates about cannabis covered recent WAPC call data, modes of use, youth usage, and ways to communicate prevention messaging to young people.
SBOH - Board Meeting
(November 18, 2019) - Summary
The State Board of Health voted to adopt emergency rules implementing a prohibition on the sale and distribution of nicotine and cannabis vapor products containing vitamin E acetate.
The Week Ahead
(November 11, 2019)
A new Voluntary Compliance Program work group convenes, Cannabis Penalties progresses, and emergency action to ban vitamin E acetate in vapor products seems likely.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(October 8, 2019) - Summary
The Board heard the latest information on the vaping-related public health scare and Washington state’s response in preparation for emergency rulemaking.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(September 24, 2019) - Summary
The Director briefed on the agency’s request legislation and the vaping-related health scare, which includes a new lawsuit in Pierce County filed against six cannabis product manufacturers.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 18, 2019) - Summary
The latest on all open rulemaking projects including a signal that WSLCB intends to modify vapor product regulation in response to a widely publicized health scare.