WSLCB - Board Meeting
(November 20, 2024) - Summary
Two petitions were denied, new delays in rulemaking were announced although language for two projects was forthcoming, and the public both praised and condemned the outgoing chair.
DOH - Webinar - Medical Cannabis - Workshop
(July 18, 2024) - Summary
Participants offered feedback to DOH staff questions related to their medical cannabis testing requirements and then posed questions of their own to officials.
WSDA - Webinar - Cannabis Testing Lab Accreditation
(March 14, 2024) - Summary
Officials outlined a transition period to take on accreditation authority in parallel with revising standards, including method approval and when enforcement of new standards would start.
WSLCB - Focus Group - Retail Medical Cannabis Endorsements
(March 11, 2024) - Summary
Attendees had many suggestions and questions for WSLCB staff regarding draft rules for medically endorsed retailers, with emphasis around expected levels of enforcement.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 15, 2024)
After hearing two cannabis bills on Wednesday, lawmakers had increasingly busy calendars on Thursday and through the following mid-week to meet the next policy committee deadline.
WA House APP - Committee Meeting
(February 3, 2024) - HB 2320 - Public Hearing
A bill requiring development of training, mandatory signage, and medical interventions related to “high THC” cannabis was considered, and subsequently recommended, by a fiscal committee.
WSDA - Public Hearing - Cannabis Testing Lab Quality Standards
(December 28, 2023) - Summary
Lab representatives and other stakeholders pointed out discrepancies, redundancies, and costs related to proposed lab quality standards leading staff to ultimately choose to rework the rules.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(November 8, 2023) - Summary
The board voted to open rulemaking to implement social equity program changes and then heard public remarks related to the grant programs and transparency of the equity process.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(February 7, 2023) - HB 1612 - Public Hearing
A public hearing on cannabinoid legislation had a mix of support from public officials and prevention groups, as well as opposition/other remarks from hemp and cannabis interests.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(January 25, 2023) - Summary
The board reviewed social equity applicant webinars, denied one petition before opening rulemaking based on a different one, and heard feedback criticizing the quality of their data.