The Washington State Senate Financial Institutions, Economic Development & Trade Committee (WA Senate FIET) considered issues relating to insurance, including insurance company practices, rates, and solvency. The committee dealt with financial services issues, including the soundness of state banks and credit unions, the regulation of consumer credit and lending, and the regulation of securities and investments. The committee also considered economic development, international trade, residential landlord tenant, and tourism issues. The committee was disbanded and its responsibilities redistributed in 2023.
Washington State Senate Financial Institutions, Economic Development, and Trade Committee
(WA Senate FIET)

Structural Relationships
Washington State Senate
(WA Senate) -
Washington State Senate Financial Institutions, Economic Development, and Trade CommitteeInactive
(WA Senate FIET)
WA Legislature - Update
(February 21, 2025)
The lab certification bill was passed in the House before a mishmash of amendments were published on seven cannabis-related bills up for executive sessions Friday morning in advance of the first cutoff.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 20, 2025)
Two bills were heard and the social equity program evaluation bill was advanced; fiscal committee schedules for the following week remained blank slates; and a SUD treatment bill may be moved.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 19, 2025)
Three bills were heard Tuesday; advertising and lab certification legislation was advanced; and two hearings were scheduled Wednesday in addition to the controversial social equity program evaluation bill.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 12, 2025)
The lab certification bill was advanced, new introductions were drying up before the first cutoff, two bills were positioned for execs on Wednesday, and the data dashboard bill could be passed by the House.
The Week Ahead
(February 10, 2024)
Three cannabis-related bills were scheduled to be heard and four executive sessions were planned for the week which would include cancellations of most regular WSLCB meetings.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 5, 2025)
Legislators heard testimony on five cannabis-related bills on Tuesday, a variant on the impaired driving bill was readied for introduction, and WSLCB leaders would be called upon to provide “technology updates.”
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 25, 2024) - Summary
WSLCB staff postponed several rulemaking projects before the Board enabled cannabis businesses to accept checks then heard comments in the aftermath of the Kim Potter debacle.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 16, 2024)
Four cannabis-related bills were heard or advanced on Thursday whereas four others were more clearly withdrawn from consideration as committee schedules for the following week continued to fill out.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 27, 2023) - Summary
An update on retail social equity licensing preceded public comments that ranged from praise of the process to accusations of corruption and conflicts of interest.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 13, 2023) - Summary
After an update on social equity license applicants, board members heard encouragement, criticism, and questions about the program, among other comments, from the public.