Buddy Boy Farm

WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(February 19, 2024) - Summary
Testimony on cannabis commission legislation showed an industry divided over benefits and costs, plus the committee recommended bills on cannabis waste and THC-based taxation.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 11, 2022) - HB 1710 - Public Hearing
A majority of speakers favored legislation to create a cannabis commodity commission, but questions remained about costs, goals, and the inclusiveness with which the bill was drafted.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(July 7, 2021) - Synthesized Cannabinoids
Board members voted to restart rulemaking on synthesized cannabinoids and heard directly from two advocates for the practice amongst many more otherwise opposed.
WA Senate LCTA - Committee Meeting
(February 1, 2021) - SB 5365 - Public Hearing
A diverse majority publicly testified against legislation to establish a Washington state cannabis commodity commission, although more individuals signed in support.
WSLCB - Special Board Meeting
(November 18, 2020) - Summary
The WSLCB Board and Policy and Rules team heard strong criticisms of the supplemental Quality Control Testing and Product Requirements rule proposal from many stakeholders.