The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) is Washington state’s designated highway safety office as codified in RCW 43.59. The WTSC Director is the Governor’s Highway Safety Representative, which is a designated position each state is required to have in order to qualify for federal traffic safety funding. At publication time, the Commission was composed of ten Commissioners chaired by Washington Governor Jay Inslee, and supported by 29 employees.
Washington Traffic Safety Commission

The Week Ahead
(April 8, 2024)
While the WSLCB Board cancelled all of their meetings for the week, staff would host two focus groups, WSDA prepared a public hearing, and the obscure WIDAC quarterly meeting was up.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 10, 2024)
Three cannabis bills were passed by their chambers of origin, two were calendared, and hearings on two were scheduled as representatives recovering from a 15 hour work day prepared for another on Saturday.
The Week Ahead
(January 15, 2024)
10 cannabis-related bills were scheduled for action during the second week of the 2024 session beginning on MLK Jr. Day, as regulators tracked implications in their scopes of authority.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 10, 2024)
Cannabis waste legislation was advanced, another hemp bill may be on the way, the first cannabis-related bills were heard, and two new bills were scheduled for introduction.
WIDAC - Council Meeting
(October 12, 2023) - Traffic Safety Statewide Survey Results
A researcher presented a new WTSC survey on peoples’ behaviors and impressions of Washington state traffic, with several responses pertaining to cannabis use and driving.
The Week Ahead
(October 16, 2023)
As the WSLCB Board recovered time lost to illness, Traffic Safety Commission members would consider survey data on driving behaviors, including perceptions of “drug influenced” drivers.
The Week Ahead
(October 9, 2023)
WSLCB board members were scheduled to consider a comparatively obscured rulemaking petition on “batch tracking” during a busy fall week for cannabis policymaking.
WSLCB - Webinar - Agency Request Legislation Proposals
(August 21, 2023) - Summary
During the final webinar on 2024 draft request bills, WSLCB staff acknowledged one idea was likely to be shelved due to lack of support, but another would probably be moved forward.
WIDAC - Council Meeting
(July 13, 2023) - Most Steer Clear Program Update
A campaign focused on reducing youth cannabis use and impaired driving was getting positive results according to the program manager who presented and answered questions.
The Week Ahead
(July 17, 2023)
WSLCB board members would hear an update on next steps in the agency social equity application process and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission planned to convene.