Nisqually Indian Tribe
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(April 28, 2020) - Summary
Plans for renewed rulemaking were becoming more clear as board members prepared for roles on legislatively directed task forces on social equity and cannabis “odor.”
WSLCB - Special Board Meeting
(December 18, 2019) - Summary
The Board adopted new PAL rules which go into effect January 1st and tier 1 producer canopy was primed for expansion in 2020.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(December 17, 2019) - Summary
The Board prepared to open rulemaking to expand tier 1 canopy, finalize the latest round of packaging and labeling rules, and sign a cannabis compact with the Nisqually Indian Tribe.
WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabis Potency Tax
(August 22, 2019) - Summary
The legislature asked the agency to explore “varying the marijuana excise tax rate based on product potency” and will be assisted by a broad spectrum of voices and BOTEC Analysis.