City of Seattle

Structural Relationships
City of Seattle
Seattle City Council
(City of Seattle - City Council)
WA Legislature - Update
(February 7, 2023)
A labor bill was unevenly received, modification of the cannabis excise tax seemed more likely without prohibitionist garnishment, and social equity would be introduced in the House.
City of Seattle - City Council - Council Meeting
(September 6, 2022) - Cannabis Equity Ordinances
After largely encouraging public comments for three city ordinances on cannabis labor and equity policies, the council adopted all the measures and promised more action in the future.
City of Seattle - City Council - Committee - Finance and Housing - Committee Meeting
(August 17, 2022) - Cannabis Equity Ordinances
Opinions differed on an ordinance requiring a “cannabis needs assessment” on industry equity, but other measures on city equity licenses and worker retention were less controversial.
City of Seattle - City Council - Committee - Finance and Housing - Committee Meeting
(July 20, 2022) - Cannabis Equity
The committee heard about a trio of ordinances being drafted by the Seattle Mayor’s office as “first steps” towards changing ownership and worker equity in the city’s cannabis sector.
City of Seattle - City Council - Committee - Finance and Housing - Committee Meeting
(March 2, 2022) - FAS Cannabis Equity
After public comments were heard, Finance and Administrative Services staff offered research and stakeholder recommendations on cannabis business equity before replying to questions.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(May 11, 2022) - Cannabis Retail Safety and Enforcement
A comprehensive Enforcement and Education briefing delved into that division’s work in 2022 before staff updated on federal banking legislation and media engagements at the agency.
WSLCB - Listen and Learn Forum - Social Equity
(March 23, 2022) - Summary
Staff gathered input on draft conceptual rules for the agency social equity program which included many criticisms of the proposal - and heard opposition to the underlying equity project.
WA House APP - Committee Meeting
(February 22, 2022) - SB 5796 - Public Hearing
Staff briefed on a bill with complex changes to recommended cannabis tax appropriations before testimony emphasized benefits for transparency, social equity, and local governments.
WA SECTF - Public Meeting
(July 27, 2021) - Summary
Task force members heard progress reports from work group leaders and WSLCB licensing staff while the public voiced complaints about the pace of task force work and the absence of the former co-chair.
The Week Ahead
(July 12, 2021)
Dialogues about addressing social and economic equity within and through the cannabis sector continued - in some ways removed from current challenges undermining industry diversity.