King County Council Law, Justice, Health, and Human Services Committee
(King County Council LJHHS)

King County Council - Logo

The Metropolitan King County Council, the legislative body of King County, Washington, consists of nine members elected by district to four-year terms. The Council adopts laws, sets policy, and holds final approval over the budget. The Council uses its committee structure to consider the legislation before it. Ordinances and motions (policy statements) are assigned to a King County Council committee for consideration, and then are recommended to the full Council for action. The King County Executive is not a member of the Council, and is a separately elected official. The Executive submits legislation to the Council for consideration and has veto power over ordinances passed by the Council.

The King County Council Law, Justice, Health, and Human Services Committee considers and makes recommendations on policies relating to law, safety, and criminal justice, as well as policies related to health and housing services.

Structural Relationships

  • King County Council - Logo
    • King County Council - Logo
      King County Council Law, Justice, Health, and Human Services Committee
      (King County Council LJHHS)

Information Set

  • No information available at this time
