Established in 1891, the Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (WA Pharmacy Commission) regulates the practice of pharmacy, and the distribution, manufacturing, and delivery of pharmaceuticals within and into the state. The commission protects and promotes public health and safety by issuing licenses, registrations, and certifications to qualified persons and entities and responding to complaints or reports of unprofessional conduct. The Commission is assigned the authority to enforce and change the schedule of controlled substances in Washington state.
Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission Legislative Committee
(WA Pharmacy Commission Legislative Committee)

Structural Relationships
Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission
(WA Pharmacy Commission) -
Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission Legislative CommitteeInactive
(WA Pharmacy Commission Legislative Committee)
The Week Ahead
(July 3, 2023)
WSLCB Board Members would hear staffing updates, likely from both the Research Unit as well as the Policy and Rules teams, ahead of their bi-weekly board meeting on Wednesday.
The Week Ahead
(May 29, 2023)
WSLCB Cannabinoid Science Work Group members would be asked to help quantify the legislative mandate to ban products outside 502 containing “any detectable amount of THC.”
The Week Ahead
(April 10, 2023)
Legislators would traverse the final cutoff gateway on Wednesday before sine die while the WSLCB board had a full week of public meetings to reckon with a controversial agency action.
The Week Ahead
(April 3, 2023)
Regular committee work would draw to a close on Tuesday with the fiscal committee cutoff, and three significant cannabis bills remained at risk including THC and social equity legislation.
The Week Ahead
(March 27, 2023)
14 cannabis-related bills remained active ahead of the opposite house policy committee cutoff on Wednesday including four which had executive sessions rescheduled for amendment work.
The Week Ahead
(March 20, 2023)
During the last full week before the opposite house policy committee cutoff on Wednesday March 29th, legislators would consider all 14 cannabis-related bills that remained clearly active.
The Week Ahead
(March 13, 2023)
Following the house of origin cutoff, 15 cannabis-related bills remained clearly active - but attention would be absorbed by uncertain ambitions around the WSLCB THC bill.
The Week Ahead
(March 6, 2023)
Legislators had hundreds of bills to consider before the house of origin cutoff on Wednesday, then policy committees would renew activity - including on the first cannabis zombie bill.
The Week Ahead
(February 20, 2023)
With 22 of 34 cannabis-related bills through the initial house of origin policy committee gateway, the fiscal committees took over - and four bills appeared to have uncertain futures.
The Week Ahead
(February 13, 2023)
After granting themselves additional time before the house of origin policy committee cutoff on Friday, legislators still had lots of work to do - and many cannabis bills would be left behind.