Established in November 2022, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Cannabinoid Science Work Group (WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabinoid Science) was formed to build foundational understanding of the plants of the "genera Cannabis, as well as synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the plant" as defined in RCW 69.50.204(c)(30).
Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Cannabinoid Science Work Group
(WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabinoid Science)
Structural Relationships
Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Cannabinoid Science Work GroupInactive
(WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabinoid Science)
Information Set
- No information available at this time
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(September 26, 2023) - Summary
Board members heard a few rulemaking updates before reflecting on the development of the Research Unit and the impending departure of a rulemaking and research leader at WSLCB.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(August 29, 2023) - Summary
Aside from a short rulemaking update, most of the meeting focused on the new agency research team, including outputs and external collaborations they had begun to develop.
DOE - Webinar - Accreditation of Cannabis Laboratories - Public Workshop
(August 2, 2023) - Summary
With DOE staff moving forward on cannabis lab accreditation rulemaking, they explained the expected timeline for draft rules and heard feedback about the costly implications for labs.
US House Oversight - Health Care and Financial Services - Subcommittee Hearing
(July 27, 2023) - Summary
- United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Health Care and Financial Services Subcommittee (US House Oversight - Health Care and Financial Services)
A congressional committee heard how lack of federal rulemaking on CBD and hemp products contributed to endangering consumers through sale of unsafe hemp-derived cannabinoid products.
The Week Ahead
(July 31, 2023)
Lab participants would get a glimpse of rulemaking procedure at the Department of Ecology and the Cannabinoid Science Work Group planned to convene under the WSLCB Research Unit.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(July 12, 2023) - Summary
Staff went through subjects discussed during the CANNRA external stakeholder meeting, plus updates on licensing, social equity, and interest in a new traceability system.
WSDA - Webinar - Cannabis Laboratory Standard Feedback
(June 28, 2023) - Summary
After a background on the draft rulemaking and method list for cannabis laboratory standards, stakeholders raised a lot of concerns and questions around expense and implementation.
WA Hemp in Food Task Force - Meeting
(June 22, 2023) - Summary
Some task force members sought input from WSLCB and DOH guests on how to proceed with hemp consumable legislation given that THC regulations were already undergoing revisions.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(June 21, 2023) - Summary
The cloud storage project was withdrawn; petitions on vapor products and equity applicant scoring were denied; and implementation of a THC bill was initiated by the board.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(June 7, 2023) - Summary
An environmental pesticide briefing laid out previous and ongoing actions by WSLCB, board members denied a petition related to the topic, and public commenters raised various concerns.