The Washington State House Regulated Substances and Gaming Committee (WA House RSG) was charged with considering issues relating to the regulation and taxation of alcohol, tobacco, vapor products and cannabis, as well as product safety and access, and issues relating to the regulation and oversight of gaming, including tribal compacts. Formerly the Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee (WA House COG), the scope of the committee was changed at the beginning of the 2021 state legislative session before the committee was disbanded at the end of 2024.
Washington State House Regulated Substances and Gaming Committee
(WA House RSG)
Structural Relationships
Washington State House of Representatives
(WA House) -
Washington State House Regulated Substances and Gaming CommitteeInactive
(WA House RSG)
Information Set
Announcement - Co-Chairs - v1 (Dec 21, 2022) [ Info ]
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(September 11, 2024) - Summary
Agency leaders would brief lawmakers on topics like traceability, changes may be offered for social equity and THC rulemaking projects, plus public health outreach and media interest in cannabis labs.
The Week Ahead
(September 16, 2024)
Seasonal change and the approaching 2025 legislative session were signaled by lawmaker work sessions and a University of Washington symposium on cannabis and mental health.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(September 10, 2024) - Summary
The conversation started off with details on how WSLCB officers were enforcing hemp product restrictions, rulemaking updates, then a last minute review of agency request bill topics.
WA Senate -
(February 29, 2024) - HB 2320 - Second and Third Reading
Senators made changes to data gathering requirements in a bill regulating “high THC” products before almost unanimously passing the measure and returning it to the House for concurrence.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(February 27, 2024) - Summary
Legislative and budget issues were top-of-mind for the board, but they also discussed an impending rulemaking project related to minors on the premises of producers and processors.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 23, 2024)
The first cannabis legislation of the session was passed; two bills in fiscal committees were heard and one was advanced regardless of not being heard; and the “potency tax” study was up for a financial review.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(February 19, 2024) - Summary
Testimony on cannabis commission legislation showed an industry divided over benefits and costs, plus the committee recommended bills on cannabis waste and THC-based taxation.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 21, 2024)
Lawmakers rushed to recommend legislation ahead of the cutoff on Wednesday while amending budgets and preparing for fiscal committee work, but four cannabis-related bills would likely not be moved in time.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(February 19, 2024) - Summary
Lawmakers heard bills on a tax exemption for registered medical patients and transferring lab accreditation, passing the former, then amended and recommended a THC bill without a public hearing.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 20, 2024)
After undertaking significant activity on cannabis-related bills on Monday, lawmakers lined up executive sessions on a few more bills before the final policy committee deadline on Wednesday.