
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 11, 2024) - Summary
Rulemaking ruled the meeting including a petition on transportation, final rules on patient excise tax exemptions, and hearings on payment options, THC, and social equity; public comments followed.
DOH - Webinar - Medical Cannabis - Workshop
(July 18, 2024) - Summary
Participants offered feedback to DOH staff questions related to their medical cannabis testing requirements and then posed questions of their own to officials.
WACA - Symposium - 2023 - Legislative Panel
(December 11, 2023) - Summary
Organization leaders and attendees heard from two prominent legislators on long-running cannabis topics and expected priorities for the 2024 regular legislative session.
DOH - Webinar - Medical Cannabis - Workshop
(September 15, 2023) - Summary
A mostly new team at the DOH Medical Cannabis Program solicited feedback on potential revisions to rules on compliant products, testing, labeling, and logos.
WA Senate WM - Committee Meeting
(March 5, 2022) - SB 5983 - Public Hearing
A last-minute hearing on a repackaged bill to regulate synthesized cannabinoids revealed shared public health concerns but testimony otherwise remained just as sharply divided.
WA House FIN - Committee Meeting
(February 22, 2022) - SB 5004 - Public Hearing
Testimony on a bill to exempt registered medical cannabis patients from the excise tax on DOH compliant products was supportive and elicited several questions from lawmakers.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 13, 2022) - HB 1668 - Public Hearing
Some licensees, WSLCB staff, and prevention advocates encouraged lawmakers to pass request legislation on cannabinoid regulation, while other licensees preferred a competing bill.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 11, 2022) - HB 1710 - Public Hearing
A majority of speakers favored legislation to create a cannabis commodity commission, but questions remained about costs, goals, and the inclusiveness with which the bill was drafted.
WA House COG - Work Session
(September 15, 2020) - Cannabis Potency Policy Considerations
House lawmakers heard invited testimony on “Cannabis potency policy considerations” from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB), legislative staff, and two cannabis trade groups.
WA House COG - Work Session
(September 15, 2020) - Initial Update
The Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee convened its fall work session to hear perspectives on cannabis “potency” from WSLCB, committee staff, and industry representatives along with updates from the Cannabis Science Task Force and state university researchers inclusive of public health and prevention community efforts to correlate ingestion of high-THC marijuana with adverse […]