Harmony Farms
Sponsor (Vegetative)
WSLCB - Focus Group - High THC Products
(July 10, 2024) - Summary
Staff and attendees traded ideas for collaboration around messaging and regulation of high THC items, along with developing more respectful dialogue between industry and public health groups.
WA Senate WM - Committee Meeting
(February 22, 2024) - Summary
Senators decided the “high THC” bill was similar enough to a companion to skip a public hearing; all testimony on the bill to exempt patients from cannabis excise taxes was supportive.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(February 19, 2024) - Summary
Testimony on cannabis commission legislation showed an industry divided over benefits and costs, plus the committee recommended bills on cannabis waste and THC-based taxation.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(February 19, 2024) - Summary
Lawmakers heard bills on a tax exemption for registered medical patients and transferring lab accreditation, passing the former, then amended and recommended a THC bill without a public hearing.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 15, 2024)
After hearing two cannabis bills on Wednesday, lawmakers had increasingly busy calendars on Thursday and through the following mid-week to meet the next policy committee deadline.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(January 22, 2024) - SB 6220 - Public Hearing
Testimony on a Senate bill on cannabis concentrates was similar to the House counterpart, but some new points were made after the sponsor raised the specter of Reefer Madness.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(January 22, 2024) - SB 6271 - Public Hearing
A study of changing product tax rates based on cannabinoid content divided cannabis sector interests, while a public health official supported further evaluation of the approach.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(January 18, 2024) - HB 1341 - Public Hearing
Most supported an out-of-state ownership bill, but two people voiced concerns about the impact on social equity licensees, and a former opponent joined those testifying as ‘other.’
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(January 16, 2024) - HB 2194 - Public Hearing
Lawmaker questions focused on potential risks and negative outcomes during mostly supportive testimony on 2024 cannabis home growing legislation.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(January 16, 2024) - HB 2320 - Public Hearing
A new bill to raise the age limit on cannabis concentrates and require additional educational resources received support from prevention groups but opposition from cannabis stakeholders.