WA Senate ENET - Committee Meeting
(February 3, 2023)

Friday February 3, 2023 8:00 AM - 9:55 AM
Washington State Senate Logo

​The Washington State Senate Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee (WA Senate ENET) considers environmental issues including water quality, Puget Sound, the State Environmental Policy Act, the Shoreline Management Act, oil spill prevention, recycling and solid waste, toxic substances, and hazardous and toxic waste.  The committee also deals with the regulation of telecommunications, as well as issues relating to the availability, productions and conservation of energy, climate change, nuclear waste, and technology.

Executive Session

  • SB 5154 - “Improving Washington's solid waste management outcomes.”

Engagement Options


Cherberg Building, 15th Avenue Southwest, Olympia, WA, USA

Hearing Room 1
