WA Senate - Session
(January 17, 2024)

Wednesday January 17, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Observed
Washington State Senate Logo

The Washington State Senate (WA Senate) convenes sessions to read, debate, amend, and vote on legislation.

Second and Third Reading

  • SB 5376 - "Allowing the sale of cannabis waste."


A bill from 2023 pertaining to uses of cannabis waste without THC was brought to the Senate floor and passed overwhelmingly following brief remarks from the sponsor.

Here are some observations from the Wednesday January 17th Washington State Senate (WA Senate) Session.

My top 3 takeaways:

  • Sponsoring Senator Derek Stanford moved the substitute bill language and offered final remarks on why the State should allow alternative uses for cannabis waste material (audio - 1m, video).
    • Stanford conveyed that “currently, when cannabis production creates waste product, that product has to be rendered unusable and destroyed. Typically it's mixed with kitty litter and ground up, and then sent to a landfill.” This process made “sense when that waste might contain THC [tetrahydrocannabinol], however often it doesn't,” he said, so SB 5376 permitted waste without THC to “be disposed of in other ways,” including “for fiber or compost it.”
    • Stanford argued this allowance was “more environmentally friendly and economical” than the existing law.

Information Set

Segment - 01 - SB 5376 - Second Reading (5s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 02 - SB 5376 - Second Reading - Substitute - Motion - Derek Stanford (28s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 03 - SB 5376 - Second Reading - Substitute (12s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 04 - SB 5376 - Third Reading - Motion - Derek Stanford (24s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 05 - SB 5376 - Third Reading - Remarks - Derek Stanford (49s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 06 - SB 5376 - Third Reading - Vote (2m 27s) InfoSet ]

Engagement Options


Washington State Capitol Building, Sid Snyder Avenue Southwest, Olympia, WA, USA
