The Board prepared to open rulemaking to expand tier 1 canopy, finalize the latest round of packaging and labeling rules, and sign a cannabis compact with the Nisqually Indian Tribe.
WSLCB’s Cannabis Advisory Council will provide a preview of the legislative session and a Special Board Meeting is scheduled prior to the holidaze to move rulemaking projects.
On Monday at 9am PT @ the Department of Ecology (DOE), the Cannabis Science Task Force (CSTF) Steering Committee convenes for its fifth public meeting.
A public hearing for packaging and labeling rules elicited consistent feedback, substantial vapor product rules were adopted, and wide-ranging public comments concluded the meeting.
The Board prepared for Wednesday’s packaging and labeling (PAL) hearing, rejected a petition for rulemaking on processor service arrangements, and addressed many other subjects.
WSLCB planned to host a public hearing on packaging and labeling rules, adopt final rules on vapor products, and work with stakeholders on TPI and the future of traceability.
Agency leadership heard a substantial legislative update in the run up to the 2020 session and hints about the agency’s shifting vision of cannabis supply chain traceability.
After meeting in closed executive session, the public portion of the caucus meeting was cancelled after the Board was unexpectedly unable to achieve quorum.