Board members received training from the Executive Ethics Board and discussed the addition of a second patient representative to the Cannabis Advisory Council.
New details on the WSLCB’s legislative agenda, a Regulators Roundtable redux, plus an update on testing labs, the traceability contract, and the Hillard Heintze report.
The Board was treated to a sweeping survey of the agency’s prevention and public health efforts before a swift public hearing on the Cannabis Penalties rulemaking project.
Attendees introduced themselves, indicating a mix of prevention, public health, and industry perspectives would be shared on the topic of packaging and labeling (PAL).
The Board discussed the medical cannabis patient registry, reviewed allegations of unjust treatment from members of Black Excellence in Cannabis, and heard a rulemaking update.
Returning from holidaze, the WSLCB, SBOH, and WSDA were all scheduled to convene public events - and Cannabis Observer hosts its first weekly meetup for the legislative session.