Washington State Legislature - Cannabis Activity
(April 1, 2019) - Summary
Three timely takeaways show truth can be stranger than fiction when it comes to the Washington State Legislature.
Three timely takeaways show truth can be stranger than fiction when it comes to the Washington State Legislature.
On Thursday March 28th, Representative Drew MacEwan introduced HB 2160, “Restructuring the liquor and cannabis board.”
The state’s new hemp program continues to move forward and two medical cannabis bills also received lawmaker attention.
On Tuesday March 26th, the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee hosted a public hearing for HB 1094, “Establishing compassionate care renewals for medical marijuana qualifying patients.”
On March 28th, the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee held an executive session for HB 1094, “Establishing compassionate care renewals for medical marijuana qualifying patients,” which saw the bill amended and passed.
The Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee hosted a public hearing on HB 1095, “Concerning the administration of marijuana to students for medical purposes,” on Wednesday March 27th.
On Monday March 25th, The House Commerce and Gaming Committee hosted a public hearing for SB 5276, “Concerning hemp production."
On Tuesday, March 26th, House Commerce and Gaming Committee held an executive session for SB 5276, “Concerning hemp production,” which saw the bill amended and passed.
House committees heard testimony on SB 5605 to vacate misdemeanor marijuana convictions and recommended a new version of SB 5318 to reform WSLCB enforcement powers.
Executive sessions were scheduled but no action was taken on SB 5298 – “Regarding labeling of marijuana products.”