The Washington State Health Care Authority (WA HCA) purchases health care for Medicaid eligible Washington residents and public employees. The agency also procures funding for the development and implementation of substance use treatment and prevention programs with the intention of "integrating physical health and behavioral health services for better results and healthier residents."
Washington State Health Care Authority
Structural Relationships
Washington State Office of the Governor
(WA Governor) -
Washington State Health Care Authority
Information Set
- No information available at this time
The Week Ahead
(December 4, 2023)
As legislators sought perspectives on contemporary cannabis policy issues and regulators willingly shared, a group of publicly-funded prevention researchers kept their doors closed.
JLARC - Committee Meeting
(November 29, 2023) - Appropriations and Expenditures of the Dedicated Cannabis Account
Staff went over how cannabis tax revenue had been spent, offered comparisons to other states, and recommended transparency improvements while fielding lawmaker questions.
The Week Ahead
(October 23, 2023)
WSLCB staff planned to ask board members to begin rulemaking efforts on Retail Medical Cannabis Endorsements and to expand the Social Equity Program as encoded in SB 5080.
WSIPP - Board of Directors Meeting
(September 11, 2023) - I-502 Evaluation Presentation
Presenting a report on cannabis health and safety outcomes, staff detailed patterns and limitations in their data as board members asked about the findings and future WSIPP studies.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(September 26, 2023) - Summary
Board members heard a few rulemaking updates before reflecting on the development of the Research Unit and the impending departure of a rulemaking and research leader at WSLCB.
The Week Ahead
(September 25, 2023)
Senate cannabis policy committee members planned to convene an interim work session on biometric age verification while the WSLCB board hosted regularly scheduled meetings.
The Week Ahead
(July 24, 2023)
- USA - Washington
- Washington State University Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (WSU Prosser IAREC)
In Oregon and Washington, land grant university and federal agricultural scientists invited the public to tour experimental fiber and grain hemp fields to learn about contemporary research.
WIDAC - Council Meeting
(July 13, 2023) - Most Steer Clear Program Update
A campaign focused on reducing youth cannabis use and impaired driving was getting positive results according to the program manager who presented and answered questions.
The Week Ahead
(June 26, 2023)
Cannabis regulators from across the country planned to meet behind closed doors with selected external stakeholders before private labs met to discuss quality standards outlined by the State.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(March 9, 2023) - WSIPP Work Session
Lawmakers were briefed on the continued evaluation of I-502, including the most recent implementation report and an overview of the 2023 report on how cannabis revenue was spent.