The Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee (WA Senate AWNP) considers issues relating to agricultural production, marketing, and sales. The committee looks at water issues, including water quantity and municipal water. The committee has oversight over matters relating to fish and wildlife, as well as mining, forest practices and forest fire protection. The committee also considers parks and recreation and issues relating to aquatic lands and the management of certain state owned lands. The body was renamed the Washington State Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee (WA Senate ANR) at the beginning of the 2025-26 legislative biennium.
Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources, and Parks Committee
(WA Senate AWNP)

The Week Ahead
(February 1, 2021)
Six new relevant bills were introduced in the past week and several were already scheduled to be heard on local authority, social equity, and a cannabis commodity commission.
WA Legislature - Opposite House Cutoff
(April 17, 2019)
Eleven cannabis-related bills have made it through both chambers of the legislature.
WA Senate AWNP - Committee Meeting
(April 12, 2019) - HB 1401 - Executive Session
On Friday morning April 12th, the Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources, and Parks Committee (WA Senate AWNP) hosted an executive session for HB 1401 without hosting a public hearing for the bill and two days after the committee report cutoff.