The Washington State Board of Health (SBOH) was established by the state constitution in 1889 to provide leadership and advance public health practices that protect and improve the public’s health. It is a separate entity from the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) although the Secretary of Health sits on the Board and the SBOH leverages DOH facilities.
Washington State Board of Health

WSLCB - Board Meeting
(May 27, 2020) - Summary
The WSLCB Board undertook planned actions to revise and renew existing emergency rules and restart the quality control rulemaking project on pesticides and heavy metals testing.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(May 26, 2020) - Summary
Members prepared to undertake formal rulemaking at the WSLCB’s first remote board meeting on Wednesday morning and met the agency’s new Policy and Rules Coordinators.
The Week Ahead
(May 25, 2020)
Cannabis-related policymaking in Washington state was set to take another step forward as the WSLCB prepared to convene its first regular board meeting since February 5th.
SBOH - Health Promotion Committee
(May 19, 2020) - Vitamin E Acetate Prohibition
Staff provided a very brief rulemaking update to remind board members present about the second emergency rulemaking to ban vitamin E acetate from vapor products and the more recent initiation of formal rulemaking to more permanent affect.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(May 12, 2020) - Summary
The agency prepared to welcome two new Policy and Rule Coordinators and restart public engagement in rulemaking processes during the following week.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(April 28, 2020) - Summary
Plans for renewed rulemaking were becoming more clear as board members prepared for roles on legislatively directed task forces on social equity and cannabis “odor.”
The Week Ahead
(April 6, 2020)
The WSLCB scheduled a Special Board Meeting for Monday afternoon to authorize and delegate summary license suspensions for enforcement of the Governor’s proclamations.
SBOH - Board Meeting
(March 11, 2020) - Summary
The SBOH renewed their emergency rule against use of vitamin E acetate in vapor products and expressed concern about prospects for SB 6254, the Governor’s vapor product legislation.
The Week Ahead
(March 9, 2020)
Five cannabis-related bills and the supplemental operating budget remain active as the Washington State Legislature’s short session draws to a close on Thursday.
The Week Ahead
(February 17, 2020)
11 cannabis-related bills remain active approaching Wednesday’s house of origin cutoff, and the City of Seattle hosts a forum on “Cannabis Equity in Our Community” on Saturday.