Washington State House Community Safety, Justice, and Reentry Committee
(WA House CSJR)

Washington State House of Representatives Logo

The Washington State House Community Safety, Justice, and Reentry Committee (WA House CSJR) considers a broad array of issues relating to the criminal legal system, including policing; crisis response; crime prevention; criminal penalties and sentencing; impaired driving; adult correctional programs, including rehabilitation and reentry; and adult correctional institutions. The committee also considers issues relating to the registration and civil commitment of sex offenders. The committee was disbanded and its responsibilities redistributed in 2025.

Structural Relationships

Legislative Sessions

  • WA House CSJR - Biennium - 2023-24InfoSet ]
    • WA House CSJR - Regular Session - 2023InfoSet ]
    • WA House CSJR - Special Session - 2023InfoSet ]
    • WA House CSJR - Regular Session - 2024InfoSet ]
