The Week Ahead
(October 28, 2019)
The WSLCB convenes its cannabis potency tax work group to review BOTEC’s feasibility study and hosts a listen and learn forum on revisions to the AVN penalty matrix.
The WSLCB convenes its cannabis potency tax work group to review BOTEC’s feasibility study and hosts a listen and learn forum on revisions to the AVN penalty matrix.
The Board adopted additional emergency rules to implement the “flavored vapor products” ban and heard about the effects of the new prohibition on the cannabis industry.
The Board prepared to adopt additional emergency rules to implement the “flavored vapor products” prohibition and considered permitting processor credits for returned banned products.
On Wednesday, an uncharacteristic Special Board Meeting has been called to adopt potentially five new emergency rules to implement the “flavored vapor products” prohibition.
The agency assessed internal impacts from implementing the flavored vapor products ban and reviewed efforts on traceability, systems modernization, and social equity.
The Board adopted an initial set of emergency rules in response to the state’s prohibition of flavored vaporizable products and heard testimony to the economic impacts caused.
Implementation of the new prohibition against “flavored vapor products” occupied the Board in preparation for multiple rounds of emergency rulemaking.
CSTF leadership reviewed initial progress reports from its work groups on cannabis laboratory quality standards and proficiency testing.
Agency leadership discussed messaging for Cannabis 2.0, vapor products, hemp/CBD, and traceability while learning the latest numbers from the licensing division.
The WSLCB planned to undertake emergency rulemaking in response to the Washington State Board of Health emergency rulemaking banning “flavored vapor products.”