WSLCB - Board Meeting
(November 28, 2018) - Summary
Rulemaking opened for required retailer signage, draft language was approved for vapor products rules, and a cannabis retailer asked for help.
Rulemaking opened for required retailer signage, draft language was approved for vapor products rules, and a cannabis retailer asked for help.
The board discussed on-site sales and tastings for smaller producers, denied a petition on retail medical endorsements, and looked to a "Cannabis 2.0" future.
The edibles story continues w/ WSLCB's draft issue brief, trade association feedback, and an agency pattern of missed deadlines.
WACA, The Cannabis Alliance, and WSLCB update the House Commerce and Gaming committee on the status of the cannabis industry.
Regulators prepare for changes to medical cannabis, lab oversight, and canopy - plus WSDA signals increased commitment to cannabis!
Legislative predictions, the medical home delivery report, the latest cannabis rulemaking, and a new Tribal Liaison.
MJ Freeway misses another deadline, but data-driven traceability alerts are coming and the integrators will be certified.
The WSLCB may re-evaluate fundamental regulatory choices about tied house rules and financing that structure the Washington I-502 marketplace.
In this short meeting, WSLCB Board Members describe a "calm before the storm" of upcoming actions and events.
Cannabis Observer looks more closely at the trade association coalition proposal to the WSLCB detailing updates to MIE regulations (and more).